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Managing partner Sarah Jane Hunt was quoted in a recent article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about a legislative effort to amend the Missouri Human Rights Act. 

The proposed change seeks to explicitly exclude gender identity and sexual orientation explicitly from the definition of “sex,” which effectively removes all anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in employment, housing, and public accommodations, including schools.

Hunt testified against the proposed bill at the Missouri State Capitol in February. She raises the concern that the proposed bill would allow LGBTQ+ to be harmed in many more ways because of who they are. 

“What it does is try to define sex discrimination in a way that both the courts have already rejected and actually may constitute discrimination in and of itself,” Hunt said in the Post-Dispatch article. “It is going to encourage more litigation — not less.”

The attorneys at Kennedy Hunt PC are champions for LGBTQ+ communities and experts in civil rights law. If your education rights have been violated, we can help. Please complete a questionnaire so we can understand your claim.