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A recent Kennedy Hunt P.C. human rights case is receiving new media coverage

The lawsuit alleges our client, the former St. Clair County HR director, was wrongfully terminated in retaliation for investigating sexual harassment and discrimination claims made against the grandson of a county official, among others. 

Our client, Frank Bergman, led the county’s HR department for 12 years until his termination in 2023. 

The Belleville News-Democrat reports: 

“Bergman alleges that county officials told him to stop investigating after he reported his findings to them. They then fired him while he was taking sick leave for health issues and a surgery and damaged his reputation by falsely telling other employees that he had had a mental breakdown, according to the lawsuit.”

More details about the lawsuit are available here. This case is ongoing. For more information, contact attorney Nicole A. Matlock at nmatlock@kennedyhuntlaw.com. If you or someone you know has been a victim of human rights violations, the skilled attorneys at Kennedy Hunt, P.C. may be able to help you. Fill out a questionnaire so we can understand your claim.