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Students at Missouri’s public schools will now receive dyslexia screening at earlier ages.

According to an August 29 article from St. Louis Public Radio, kindergarten through third graders will now receive brief dyslexia screening. The screenings will occur every school year. Prior to this change, students in Missouri were receiving these screenings at older ages and with less frequency.

The recent change in dyslexia screenings will likely lead to students receiving diagnoses at younger ages. With that, students with dyslexia will be able to receive the accommodations they need earlier in their education.

Additionally, Missouri educators will now partake in at least a two hour long dyslexia training session every school year.

Dyslexia is defined as a neurological learning disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Act, a federal law, strives to make certain that children with disabilities receive the special education and accommodations they need. What’s more, every child with disabilities is entitled to a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE).

With this change in disability screening, children who are identified as dyslexic have the right to access the

Kennedy Hunt P.C. has extensive experience in navigating complex education and disability claims.

If you or someone you know has not received the accommodations and or special education required to them by law, the attorneys at Kennedy Hunt P.C. are ready and able to represent you. Fill out a questionnaire so we can get a better understanding of your claim.