(314) 872-9041

Wage Theft

Instances of wage theft occur far too often in the United States. Wage theft is when employees are not given their rights, earnings or benefits they deserve from their employers. This can be manifested in a number of ways: minimum wage violations, failure to receive...

Workplace Behavior and Your Rights

St. Louis County police Chief John Belmar announced that the St. Louis county police department was suspending a training company they were using to train their officers. Belmar announced this in a letter sent to officers on March 29. St. Louis Post Dispatch reported...

Recent Filing for Wrongful Termination

The Kennedy Hunt, P.C., L.C. recently filed suit in St. Louis County, Missouri, on behalf of our client, a former employee of Paul Cerame Auto Group. This lawsuit alleges age discrimination and wrongful termination in violation of the Missouri Human Rights Act. Read...